четвер, 6 грудня 2018 р.

Project Work

Form 8

Why do we prepare projects?
The main reason is - learners like projects!
Children enjoy using their imagination – making up characters, stories; being creative – making things, drawing, colouring, cutting and gluing, using multimedia; sharing, chatting, working together; talking about themselves, their friends and family, their interests, their school and so on.
Pupils are combining so many different skills and areas of knowledge,so that they improve and develop themselves.

Project work. My restaurant

Form 10

Project work is becoming an increasingly popular feature within the English classes. It  involves students in deciding together what they want to do. Usually students become personally involved in the project, they develop and improve reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. There are also learning outcomes -learners have an end product.  There are a lot of examples of the project work. My students adore poster projects. So today they  were owners of the restaurants and presented the menu and the description of the restaurants.

Involve your students in creativity. It will inspire them to study a foreign language.